Greylisting BCP
Murray S. Kucherawy
2011-10-18 19:01:21 UTC
After some chatter inside MAAWG and on the ietf-smtp mailing list, I've started an outline for a BCP on the practice of greylisting. The main purpose is to explain what it is, discuss the pros and cons of its variants, and give some recommendations for implementation and configuration for a few example installations and policies.

The draft (which is currently only an outline) is here: https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-kucherawy-greylisting-bcp/

Comments welcome.

Daniel Feenberg
2011-10-18 19:42:24 UTC
After some chatter inside MAAWG and on the ietf-smtp mailing list, I¢ve started an
outline for a BCP on the practice of greylisting.  The main purpose is to explain
what it is, discuss the pros and cons of its variants, and give some recommendations
for implementation and configuration for a few example installations and policies.
Comments welcome.
Where should comments go? I have a question really, though it might be
construed as a comment. Why do greylisters match on the (sender,
receipient, MTA) triple rather on just the MTA? Isn't it nearly certain
that if an MTA returns for one sender/receipient pair, it will return for
any pair? So that keeping track of all three seems unnecessary and
increases the probability of a message being delayed. What am I missing?

Daniel Feenberg
Chris Lewis
2011-10-18 23:12:18 UTC
Post by Daniel Feenberg
Where should comments go? I have a question really, though it might be
construed as a comment. Why do greylisters match on the (sender,
receipient, MTA) triple rather on just the MTA? Isn't it nearly certain
that if an MTA returns for one sender/receipient pair, it will return
for any pair? So that keeping track of all three seems unnecessary and
increases the probability of a message being delayed. What am I missing?
As I understand it, some grey-listing systems match on sender/recipient
pairs (not MTA) so as to not penalize clustered outbounds that share queues.

There's all sorts of 'optimizations'/variations that you can apply for
different behaviours.

You're right, _just_ the MTA would work just about as well for the main
use case: bot armies. But that's not the only potential use-case.

There is a danger in specifying the precise details/tuning values of a
"standardized gray listing" mechanism. If it's too predictable, you
could probably come up with a simplistic mechanism for defeating it
without requiring the complexity of queuing. "Hybrid vigor" is a good
Jose-Marcio Martins da Cruz
2011-10-19 10:11:28 UTC
Post by Chris Lewis
As I understand it, some grey-listing systems match on sender/recipient
pairs (not MTA) so as to not penalize clustered outbounds that share queues.
There's all sorts of 'optimizations'/variations that you can apply for
different behaviours.
You're right, _just_ the MTA would work just about as well for the main
use case: bot armies. But that's not the only potential use-case.
There is a danger in specifying the precise details/tuning values of a
"standardized gray listing" mechanism. If it's too predictable, you
could probably come up with a simplistic mechanism for defeating it
without requiring the complexity of queuing. "Hybrid vigor" is a good
I think I agree with most you said. Maybe not all.

Greylisting is there and it will exist for some time. There are good and bad
variations/optimisations, good and bad software configurations... This BCP should not generalize
saying that all greylisting is bad, even if some people are tempted to say so.

It seems to me that this BCP mention only problems caused by the filters.

What's still lacking in the BCP proposal is a section about the behaviour of senders MTAs, which,
IMHO, causes a lot of problems too.

Some examples of bad things which really causes problems to greylistings :

* Some MTAs from some (big) ISPs, which connects 3 to 5 times within some seconds and try again only
after some hours (some equals something between 4 to 24 hours).

* Some ISPs using a pool of sending MTAs which IP addresses are randomly distributed over ranges
without any common part. Something like 193.xxx.xxx.xxx followed by 67.xxx.xxx.xxx...

* Some sender MTAs which begins retrying each some seconds (1 to 10) during some days, and ends
being catched by some rate limit mechanism.

* Some bad configured or misinterpreted 4xx reply code

* ...

Peter J. Holzer
2011-10-19 15:58:59 UTC
Post by Jose-Marcio Martins da Cruz
What's still lacking in the BCP proposal is a section about the behaviour
of senders MTAs, which, IMHO, causes a lot of problems too.
* Some MTAs from some (big) ISPs, which connects 3 to 5 times within some
seconds and try again only after some hours (some equals something
between 4 to 24 hours).
* Some ISPs using a pool of sending MTAs which IP addresses are randomly
distributed over ranges without any common part. Something like
193.xxx.xxx.xxx followed by 67.xxx.xxx.xxx...
* Some sender MTAs which begins retrying each some seconds (1 to 10)
during some days, and ends being catched by some rate limit mechanism.
* Some sender MTAs change the envelope sender with every delivery
attempt (Yahoo Groups used to do this, but stopped several years ago.
I don't know any recent example). This garantuees that the triple
never matches ...

* Some ISPs use one machine for the first delivery and another for
processing the queue. The "queue processing" IP will get whitelisted
but the "first try" address wont (unless you are lucky), resulting in
a constant delay for every mail.
Post by Jose-Marcio Martins da Cruz
* Some bad configured or misinterpreted 4xx reply code
Some MTAs (e.g. old versions of Groupwise) don't understand 4xx at all
and treat it like 5xx.

_ | Peter J. Holzer | Web 2.0 könnte man also auch übersetzen als
|_|_) | Sysadmin WSR | "Netz der kleinen Geister".
| | | ***@hjp.at |
__/ | http://www.hjp.at/ | -- Oliver Cromm in desd
Murray S. Kucherawy
2011-10-24 14:17:59 UTC
-----Original Message-----
Sent: Wednesday, October 19, 2011 8:59 AM
Subject: Re: [Asrg] Greylisting BCP
* Some sender MTAs change the envelope sender with every delivery
attempt (Yahoo Groups used to do this, but stopped several years ago.
I don't know any recent example). This garantuees that the triple
never matches ...
Yuck. OK, added.
* Some ISPs use one machine for the first delivery and another for
processing the queue. The "queue processing" IP will get whitelisted
but the "first try" address wont (unless you are lucky), resulting in
a constant delay for every mail.
I think that's covered, in slightly more general terms.
Murray S. Kucherawy
2011-10-24 14:16:25 UTC
-----Original Message-----
Sent: Wednesday, October 19, 2011 3:11 AM
To: Anti-Spam Research Group - IRTF
Cc: Chris Lewis
Subject: Re: [Asrg] Greylisting BCP
Greylisting is there and it will exist for some time. There are good and bad
variations/optimisations, good and bad software configurations... This BCP should not generalize
saying that all greylisting is bad, even if some people are tempted to say so.
The point is not to make a general good/bad statement about greylisting. The better approach, in my opinion, is to lay out the pros and cons and let the reader decide if it's right for his/her installation.
It seems to me that this BCP mention only problems caused by the filters.
That's not the intent. It will also point out the benefits.
What's still lacking in the BCP proposal is a section about the
behaviour of senders MTAs, which,
IMHO, causes a lot of problems too.
Good point.
Some examples of bad things which really causes problems to
Thanks, I've added these to the outline.
Martijn Grooten
2011-10-19 15:05:35 UTC
Post by Chris Lewis
There is a danger in specifying the precise details/tuning values of a
"standardized gray listing" mechanism. If it's too predictable, you
could probably come up with a simplistic mechanism for defeating it
without requiring the complexity of queuing. "Hybrid vigor" is a good
Good point.

I like the idea of a BCP though and I like the outline too.

Some quick comments:

Do people apply greylisting post-DATA in practise? Or is this really only something only performed in labs as it is the only way to determine whether causes false positives.

It is hard to reliably determine how much greylisting helps on a specific system, i.e. what difference it makes compared to the hypothetical situation greylisting wasn't used. May be an idea to include some caution about that.

"greylisting is more expensive than not greylisting"

Can you explain this?

"special actions to take if the same message is retried before the time limit expires"

I assume by "message" you mean the (sender, recipient, MTA) triplet?


Virus Bulletin Ltd, The Pentagon, Abingdon, OX14 3YP, England.
Company Reg No: 2388295. VAT Reg No: GB 532 5598 33.
Joe Sniderman
2011-10-19 16:19:52 UTC
Post by Martijn Grooten
Post by Chris Lewis
There is a danger in specifying the precise details/tuning values
of a "standardized gray listing" mechanism. If it's too
predictable, you could probably come up with a simplistic mechanism
for defeating it without requiring the complexity of queuing.
"Hybrid vigor" is a good thing.
Good point.
I like the idea of a BCP though and I like the outline too.
<aol> me too </aol>
Post by Martijn Grooten
Do people apply greylisting post-DATA in practise?
milter-greylist supports greylisting during DATA (not sure if its at the
beginning of DATA or at the end, could try it easily enough and find out
though) by means of the dacl configuration directive (as opposed to racl
for greylisting during RCPT)

AFAIK the DCC also can perform greylisting during DATA.

Might be worth adding a section to for greylisting performed during DATA.

There's also some interesting archive discussion regarding it on the
Mimedefang list:

It would appear from that discussion that at least Roaring Penguin
probably does do so in practice.
Post by Martijn Grooten
Or is this really
only something only performed in labs as it is the only way to
determine whether causes false positives.
AFAIK one of the supposed benefits of greylisting during DATA instead of
RCPT is reduction of false positives.
Post by Martijn Grooten
It is hard to reliably determine how much greylisting helps on a
specific system, i.e. what difference it makes compared to the
hypothetical situation greylisting wasn't used. May be an idea to
include some caution about that.
Log delivery attempts that are greylisted. Log greylisted delivery
attempts that subsequently pass. Compare the IPs in question against
whatever DNSBLs are in use to determine if the delivery attempts would
have been blocked anyway (without resorting to computationally expensive
content filtering)....

Might also make sense to log the DNSBL result at the time that a
delivery attempt is greylisted, and then log delivery attempts that pass
greylisting but are rejecting due to DNSBLs, and thereby determine if
greylisting is effectively giving a recently gone-bad host extra time to
get itself listed.
Post by Martijn Grooten
"greylisting is more expensive than not greylisting"
Can you explain this?
"special actions to take if the same message is retried before the time limit expires"
I assume by "message" you mean the (sender, recipient, MTA) triplet?
Or if performed during DATA it could mean the same message data or at
least sufficiently similar message data, or even sender, recipient,
message-id triplet, or some other combo.
Joe Sniderman <***@thoroquel.org>
Martijn Grooten
2011-10-19 18:42:34 UTC
Post by Joe Sniderman
Post by Martijn Grooten
It is hard to reliably determine how much greylisting helps on a
specific system, i.e. what difference it makes compared to the
hypothetical situation greylisting wasn't used. May be an idea to
include some caution about that.
Log delivery attempts that are greylisted. Log greylisted delivery
attempts that subsequently pass. Compare the IPs in question against
whatever DNSBLs are in use to determine if the delivery attempts would
have been blocked anyway (without resorting to computationally
content filtering)....
Might also make sense to log the DNSBL result at the time that a
delivery attempt is greylisted, and then log delivery attempts that pass
greylisting but are rejecting due to DNSBLs, and thereby determine if
greylisting is effectively giving a recently gone-bad host extra time to
get itself listed.
Yes, that makes sense and, if you're running a test (and don't care too much about computational performance) could be extended to content scanning too.

But that assumes you are able to identify messages, which I doubt is possible to do in a reliable way unless you greylist during/post DATA. Which -- at least in theory -- does not need to give the same results as greylisting at an earlier stage.

I guess the only way to really test the effectiveness of (your version of) greylisting (on your mail stream) is if you have a reasonably large stream and you split that feed in two random groups and use greylisting one group only.

(I suppose most people don't care as much about measuring effectiveness as I do, nor should they, but including something about effectiveness may be a good idea as this is the main reason people use greylisting.)


Virus Bulletin Ltd, The Pentagon, Abingdon, OX14 3YP, England.
Company Reg No: 2388295. VAT Reg No: GB 532 5598 33.
Joe Sniderman
2011-10-19 19:22:34 UTC
Post by Martijn Grooten
Post by Joe Sniderman
Post by Martijn Grooten
It is hard to reliably determine how much greylisting helps on a
specific system, i.e. what difference it makes compared to the
hypothetical situation greylisting wasn't used. May be an idea
to include some caution about that.
Log delivery attempts that are greylisted. Log greylisted delivery
attempts that subsequently pass. Compare the IPs in question
against whatever DNSBLs are in use to determine if the delivery
attempts would have been blocked anyway (without resorting to
computationally expensive content filtering)....
Might also make sense to log the DNSBL result at the time that a
delivery attempt is greylisted, and then log delivery attempts
that pass greylisting but are rejecting due to DNSBLs, and thereby
determine if greylisting is effectively giving a recently gone-bad
host extra time to get itself listed.
Yes, that makes sense and, if you're running a test (and don't care
too much about computational performance) could be extended to
content scanning too.
Right, and then log whether content filters would have blocked the
message anyway, had the sender eventually retried. Glean how many (if
any) spams were stopped by greylisting that neither DNSBLs nor content
filters would have otherwise caught.
Post by Martijn Grooten
But that assumes you are able to identify messages, which I doubt is
possible to do in a reliable way unless you greylist during/post
DATA. Which -- at least in theory -- does not need to give the same
results as greylisting at an earlier stage.
Not necessarily.. Say one sees 1000 IPs that attempted to send 100,000
times, were greylisted, never passed greylisting, and weren't listed on
DNSBLs that the system normally checks - that gives one possible piece
of data on effectiveness. If one takes it a step further, find all the
counted greylistings where the IP attempted to send to at least one
spamtrap, and only count those incidents but exclude the actual
attempted trap deliveries, one might get a very conservative count of
how many attempted spam deliveries to actual user addresses were
prevented by greylisting that the DNSBLs in use would not have caught.
Since one isnt matching initial greylistings to later successful
retries, identifying the message isnt necessary to get useful stats.

Regarding the second method, simply logging
blacklisted-ip-was-greylisted, and non-blacklisted-ip-was-greylisted,
and then matching the second group of IPs (not messages) against later
DNSBL-based rejections would give a good indicator as to whether
greylisting is helping to mitigate the delay between when a host starts
spamming and when a host is blacklisted.
Post by Martijn Grooten
I guess the only way to really test the effectiveness of (your
version of) greylisting (on your mail stream) is if you have a
reasonably large stream and you split that feed in two random groups
and use greylisting one group only.
Yeah that would work. If thats not feasible, one could also disable
greylisting periodically at random, and see if there is a spike in
uncaught spam.
Post by Martijn Grooten
(I suppose most people don't care as much about measuring
effectiveness as I do, nor should they, but including something about
effectiveness may be a good idea as this is the main reason people
use greylisting.)
Agreed. May also be a good idea to recommend some measuring techniques
in the BCP, since effectiveness might vary based on site-specific factors.
Joe Sniderman <***@thoroquel.org>
Jose-Marcio Martins da Cruz
2011-10-19 19:54:49 UTC
Post by Martijn Grooten
Yes, that makes sense and, if you're running a test (and don't care too much about computational performance) could be extended to content scanning too.
But that assumes you are able to identify messages, which I doubt is possible to do in a reliable way unless you greylist during/post DATA. Which -- at least in theory -- does not need to give the same results as greylisting at an earlier stage.
I guess the only way to really test the effectiveness of (your version of) greylisting (on your mail stream) is if you have a reasonably large stream and you split that feed in two random groups and use greylisting one group only.
(I suppose most people don't care as much about measuring effectiveness as I do, nor should they, but including something about effectiveness may be a good idea as this is the main reason people use greylisting.)
I think that it's not serious to run any security tool without monitoring it. If you run a tool
which may reject messages (or any kind of communication), you should monitor and know how it
performs : how many connections it handles, how many connections it rejects, etc, etc, etc... If you
do, and observe this numbers each day, you can have some idea about effectiveness. "Fire and forget"
is never a good thing in security.

An unattended and interesting side effect of greylisting is that it blocks a lot of virus/worms.

Jose-Marcio Martins da Cruz
2011-10-26 09:23:29 UTC
Post by Joe Sniderman
Post by Martijn Grooten
Do people apply greylisting post-DATA in practise?
milter-greylist supports greylisting during DATA (not sure if its at the
beginning of DATA or at the end, could try it easily enough and find out
though) by means of the dacl configuration directive (as opposed to racl
for greylisting during RCPT)
AFAIK the DCC also can perform greylisting during DATA.
Might be worth adding a section to for greylisting performed during DATA.
There's also some interesting archive discussion regarding it on the
It would appear from that discussion that at least Roaring Penguin
probably does do so in practice.
Post by Martijn Grooten
Or is this really
only something only performed in labs as it is the only way to
determine whether causes false positives.
AFAIK one of the supposed benefits of greylisting during DATA instead of
RCPT is reduction of false positives.
In the case of MIMEDefang, the probable reason is to avoid the following situation : a bot try to
send a message at some moment and some time later try to send a different message to the same
recipient. So, reduction of false negatives.

Another reason to do greylisting during DATA is to apply greylisting only on messages which content
score (evaluated by some kind of content filter) is greater than some threshold. In this case, not
reduction of false positives, but applying greylisting only to messages already considered suspects.

Either way, one goal of original greylisting is precisely to avoid heavy content filtering checks.
So, doing greylisting after DATA, may not be optimal.
Murray S. Kucherawy
2011-10-24 08:33:53 UTC
-----Original Message-----
Sent: Wednesday, October 19, 2011 8:06 AM
To: Anti-Spam Research Group - IRTF
Subject: Re: [Asrg] Greylisting BCP
Do people apply greylisting post-DATA in practise? Or is this really
only something only performed in labs as it is the only way to
determine whether causes false positives.
I plan to do a survey of popular implementations. If none do, that section can be dropped. But someone suggested including it in the outline which leads me to believe that some implementation does.
It is hard to reliably determine how much greylisting helps on a
specific system, i.e. what difference it makes compared to the
hypothetical situation greylisting wasn't used. May be an idea to
include some caution about that.
Presumably a site using it turns it on because it perceives it has a problem, and notices a positive difference (or they'd turn it off). It's subjective though, which can make it hard to measure. So sure, a note about this might be reasonable.
"greylisting is more expensive than not greylisting"
Can you explain this?
Put simply, any new filter has a cost to install, maintain, and operate. For greylisting there has to be a local store of sources that you've seen that get to bypass greylisting, so anything not on that list gets caught. That takes space, I/O, and processing time. So "expensive" in the resources sense.
"special actions to take if the same message is retried before the time limit expires"
I assume by "message" you mean the (sender, recipient, MTA) triplet?
This might get back to the DATA thing above. I guess some greylisting takes into account whether or not a specific message is retried, not just the source. It depends on whether or not I can find one that actually does this.

Chris Lewis
2011-10-24 16:11:58 UTC
Post by Murray S. Kucherawy
-----Original Message-----
Sent: Wednesday, October 19, 2011 8:06 AM
To: Anti-Spam Research Group - IRTF
Subject: Re: [Asrg] Greylisting BCP
Do people apply greylisting post-DATA in practise? Or is this really
only something only performed in labs as it is the only way to
determine whether causes false positives.
I plan to do a survey of popular implementations. If none do, that section can be dropped. But someone suggested including it in the outline which leads me to believe that some implementation does.
As a FYI, some (perhaps only historical now) implementations behave
badly with post-DATA rejects. An old version of Exchange, in
particular, treated even a post-data 5xx as "retry as quickly as possible".

But I've not seen one in a while.
Jose-Marcio Martins da Cruz
2011-10-26 09:46:34 UTC
Post by Murray S. Kucherawy
Post by Martijn Grooten
"greylisting is more expensive than not greylisting"
Can you explain this?
Put simply, any new filter has a cost to install, maintain, and operate. For greylisting there has to be a local store of sources that you've seen that get to bypass greylisting, so anything not on that list gets caught. That takes space, I/O, and processing time. So "expensive" in the resources sense.
You should take some care with this. Ressource usage varies a lot with different implementations :
you'll find in memory chained lists, some RDBMS (e.g. MySQL) or ISAM/B-Tree/HASH (e.g. BerkeleyDB).
Some implementations are smarter than others about ressources needes : e.g. how to expire old
entries or how to aggregate them. And this makes a big difference on how expensive the filter is.

Put simply, when talking about greylisting, expensive or not is more related to the implementation
and to some tuning (e.g. delays) than to the method itself. I'm not even talking about poor
programming practices...


Paul Smith
2011-10-26 09:51:10 UTC
Post by Murray S. Kucherawy
Post by Martijn Grooten
"greylisting is more expensive than not greylisting"
Can you explain this?
Put simply, any new filter has a cost to install, maintain, and
operate. For greylisting there has to be a local store of sources
that you've seen that get to bypass greylisting, so anything not on
that list gets caught. That takes space, I/O, and processing time.
So "expensive" in the resources sense.
On the other hand, if it stops a reasonable amount of spam, it reduces
bandwidth, processing time and storage requirements, as well as human
time & annoyance handling the spam.

It's up to the implementer to decide whether the cost of implementing
greylisting is more or less than the cost of not implementing it.
Murray S. Kucherawy
2011-11-13 05:28:33 UTC
-----Original Message-----
Sent: Wednesday, October 26, 2011 2:51 AM
To: Anti-Spam Research Group - IRTF
Subject: Re: [Asrg] Greylisting BCP
On the other hand, if it stops a reasonable amount of spam, it reduces
bandwidth, processing time and storage requirements, as well as human
time & annoyance handling the spam.
It's up to the implementer to decide whether the cost of implementing
greylisting is more or less than the cost of not implementing it.
Right. Enumerating such tradeoff considerations is ideal material for a document such as this one.
Murray S. Kucherawy
2011-11-13 05:27:38 UTC
-----Original Message-----
Sent: Wednesday, October 26, 2011 2:47 AM
To: Anti-Spam Research Group - IRTF
Cc: Murray S. Kucherawy
Subject: Re: [Asrg] Greylisting BCP
you'll find in memory chained lists, some RDBMS (e.g. MySQL) or ISAM/B-Tree/HASH (e.g. BerkeleyDB).
e.g. how to expire old entries or how to aggregate them. And this makes
a big difference on how expensive the filter is.
Put simply, when talking about greylisting, expensive or not is more
related to the implementation and to some tuning (e.g. delays) than to
the method itself. I'm not even talking about poor programming
The point is that there is a range of expenses based on the implementation, the cost is rarely zero or even close to it. I don't think it's necessary to run up a full bill of materials for each possible implementation in the BCP, but merely to make it clear that the benefits have a definite cost associated with them in terms of resources.
Peter J. Holzer
2011-10-20 07:43:48 UTC
Post by Chris Lewis
Post by Daniel Feenberg
Where should comments go? I have a question really, though it might be
construed as a comment. Why do greylisters match on the (sender,
receipient, MTA) triple rather on just the MTA? Isn't it nearly certain
that if an MTA returns for one sender/receipient pair, it will return
for any pair? So that keeping track of all three seems unnecessary and
increases the probability of a message being delayed. What am I missing?
As I understand it, some grey-listing systems match on sender/recipient
pairs (not MTA) so as to not penalize clustered outbounds that share queues.
There's all sorts of 'optimizations'/variations that you can apply for
different behaviours.
You're right, _just_ the MTA would work just about as well for the main
use case: bot armies.
I don't think so. If the bot sends one spam from <***@example.com> to
<***@example.net> and some time later (within the greylisting windo)
another from <***@example.biz> to <***@example.net> the second one
would get through if you use only the IP address. To establish that a
new MTA is "legitimate" you need to be fairly restrictive. After that
you just need to make sure that it's an MTA you already checked and the
IP address is (usually) sufficient.
Post by Chris Lewis
There is a danger in specifying the precise details/tuning values of a
"standardized gray listing" mechanism. If it's too predictable, you
could probably come up with a simplistic mechanism for defeating it
without requiring the complexity of queuing. "Hybrid vigor" is a good
ACK. However, for those who have to deal with greylisting (either on the
sending or receiving side) it's valuable to know what works well and
what doesn't. There's little sense in having everybody going through the
same learning curve. So, a BCP should not define the One True Way of
greylisting but list variants of greylisting as well as different
queueing strategies and discuss their pros and cons.

_ | Peter J. Holzer | Web 2.0 könnte man also auch übersetzen als
|_|_) | Sysadmin WSR | "Netz der kleinen Geister".
| | | ***@hjp.at |
__/ | http://www.hjp.at/ | -- Oliver Cromm in desd
Murray S. Kucherawy
2011-10-24 08:33:52 UTC
-----Original Message-----
Sent: Tuesday, October 18, 2011 4:12 PM
Subject: Re: [Asrg] Greylisting BCP
There is a danger in specifying the precise details/tuning values of a
"standardized gray listing" mechanism. If it's too predictable, you
could probably come up with a simplistic mechanism for defeating it
without requiring the complexity of queuing. "Hybrid vigor" is a good
Just to be clear, the intent of the BCP isn't to standardize greylisting, but rather to write down what it is in general, what the variants are, their respective advantages and disadvantages, and then recommend best practices for a few common environments. Also valid for discussion would be why some sites think it's a bad idea overall.
Douglas Otis
2011-10-19 03:39:13 UTC
Post by Daniel Feenberg
Post by Murray S. Kucherawy
After some chatter inside MAAWG and on the ietf-smtp mailing list,
I’ve started an
outline for a BCP on the practice of greylisting. The main purpose is
to explain
what it is, discuss the pros and cons of its variants, and give some recommendations
for implementation and configuration for a few example installations and policies.
Comments welcome.
Where should comments go? I have a question really, though it might be
construed as a comment. Why do greylisters match on the (sender,
receipient, MTA) triple rather on just the MTA? Isn't it nearly
certain that if an MTA returns for one sender/receipient pair, it will
return for any pair? So that keeping track of all three seems
unnecessary and increases the probability of a message being delayed.
What am I missing?
Grey listing challenges stateful processing of the sender to test an
often erroneous assumption that bots sending spam don't maintain state.
Thanks to grey listing, many bots retry against the same recipients,
just not always with the same message. Heuristic methods are quickly
defeated once deployed on enough systems. Defining practices for failing
concepts seems misguided since such heuristics are likely to make other
erroneous assumptions related to the nature of the outbound MTA.

We employ temp errors to prioritize limited resources which may delay
sources with lower reputations. When they are in the middle of some
campaign, the delay may persist until their run completes. There would
not be any way to predict how long that might take, nor would any hint
likely affect the average bulk sender focused on completing their runs.
We are about to publish a list that categorizes this type of behavior.

I agree it would make more sense to focus on knowing which domain
_controls_ the outbound MTA without umpteen additional transactions.
With outbound MTA authentication, receivers would have a sure and robust
basis for avoiding abusive transactions, where grey listing would be
considered wasted efforts.

Murray S. Kucherawy
2011-10-24 08:33:55 UTC
-----Original Message-----
Sent: Tuesday, October 18, 2011 8:39 PM
Subject: Re: [Asrg] Greylisting BCP
Grey listing challenges stateful processing of the sender to test an
often erroneous assumption that bots sending spam don't maintain state.
Thanks to grey listing, many bots retry against the same recipients,
just not always with the same message.
That doesn't sound like a "retry" to me, in the MTA queueing sense. For your claim to be true, it would mean bots institute MTA-style queue-and-retry systems, but that substantially increases the footprint on the infected machine. It's been my impression that their reluctance to do this is precisely why greylisting is perceived to be effective.
Dave Warren
2011-10-24 23:38:37 UTC
Post by Murray S. Kucherawy
-----Original Message-----
Sent: Tuesday, October 18, 2011 8:39 PM
Subject: Re: [Asrg] Greylisting BCP
Grey listing challenges stateful processing of the sender to test an
often erroneous assumption that bots sending spam don't maintain state.
Thanks to grey listing, many bots retry against the same recipients,
just not always with the same message.
That doesn't sound like a "retry" to me, in the MTA queueing sense. For your claim to be true, it would mean bots institute MTA-style queue-and-retry systems, but that substantially increases the footprint on the infected machine. It's been my impression that their reluctance to do this is precisely why greylisting is perceived to be effective.
Keep in mind that zombies don't necessarily need to create some copy of
each message and "queue" it. Rather, it's just as simple as keeping
track of MAIL/RCPT pairs that should be retried and this doesn't need to
incur much of a footprint at all. Whether they have a DB entry to track
which message they wanted to deliver or not is an implementation
detail. Either way, it's well within the capabilities of a zombie
running on a midrange laptop/desjtop computer.

However, all of this misses a huge part of why greylisting can be a
powerful tool: It's a happy accident that bots still don't retry
properly. I only greylist if I'm already suspicious based on rDNS
patterns, mismatching reverse DNS, and similar. I don't greylist
because I care if they retry (although it's nice that so many still
don't). I greylist to let URIBLs and similar have a chance to catch up
and detect a new zombie, to let my bayesian have time to learn, and to
hope they hit one of my traps and get themselves blacklisted.

I don't advocate greylisting everything, I found it's too obnoxious for
general purpose use here, but in cases where I'm already suspicious,
it's a second chance for a poorly managed sender to get through some
front-line filters.
Dave Warren, CEO
Hire A Hit Consulting Services
Jose-Marcio Martins da Cruz
2011-10-25 15:51:47 UTC
Post by Murray S. Kucherawy
-----Original Message-----
Sent: Tuesday, October 18, 2011 8:39 PM
Subject: Re: [Asrg] Greylisting BCP
Grey listing challenges stateful processing of the sender to test an
often erroneous assumption that bots sending spam don't maintain state.
Thanks to grey listing, many bots retry against the same recipients,
just not always with the same message.
That doesn't sound like a "retry" to me, in the MTA queueing sense. For your claim to be true, it would mean bots institute MTA-style queue-and-retry systems, but that substantially increases the footprint on the infected machine. It's been my impression that their reluctance to do this is precisely why greylisting is perceived to be effective.
Retry or not retry... This just means that there are some possible ways to pass through greylisting
and that greylisting isn't perfect... as any other filtering method, be an RBL, SPF, statistical
filters or anything else.

The correct way to present it is something like :

"... to test a most of the time valid assumption that bots sending spam don't maintain state".

Maybe in the future this assumption won't be true anymore, but for the moment, it seems to me that
it still holds.

Douglas Otis
2011-10-25 18:26:18 UTC
Post by Murray S. Kucherawy
-----Original Message-----
Grey listing challenges stateful processing of the sender to test an
often erroneous assumption that bots sending spam don't maintain state.
Thanks to grey listing, many bots retry against the same recipients,
just not always with the same message.
That doesn't sound like a "retry" to me, in the MTA queueing sense. For your claim to be true, it would mean bots institute MTA-style queue-and-retry systems, but that substantially increases the footprint on the infected machine. It's been my impression that their reluctance to do this is precisely why greylisting is perceived to be effective.
Not all RATs install simple SMTP proxies. There is no reason to queue
and retry messages. They can receive a list of recipients separate from
messages to reduce inbound traffic. Marking transmission completion
would allow repeated tuples compared by grey listing mechanisms.

Peter J. Holzer
2011-10-20 07:22:41 UTC
Post by Daniel Feenberg
After some chatter inside MAAWG and on the ietf-smtp mailing list, I’ve started an
outline for a BCP on the practice of greylisting.  The main purpose is to explain
what it is, discuss the pros and cons of its variants, and give some recommendations
for implementation and configuration for a few example installations and policies.
Comments welcome.
Where should comments go? I have a question really, though it might be
construed as a comment. Why do greylisters match on the (sender,
receipient, MTA) triple rather on just the MTA? Isn't it nearly certain
that if an MTA returns for one sender/receipient pair, it will return for
any pair?
Yes, but how do you determine that the MTA returned for one
sender/receipient pair? For that you need the whole tripel. Once you
have established that the MTA does queue, the IP address is sufficient
(this wasn't in Harris' original proposal, but it is a common

Actually, the tripel (ip address, envelope sender, envelope recipient)
is just an approximation. What greylisting really tries to establish is
whether a particular /message/ is queued. To do that right you would
have to compare the whole message, but that would be expensive. So
greylisting assumes that if there is a second delivery attempt from the same IP
address with the same sender and recipient within a certain time window,
then it is a second delivery attempt for the same message, not an
independent message. We all know that this assumption isn't always true
(and I've occasionally advised users to just send two mails within a few
minutes to get through greylisting) but its a reasonable heuristic.

There is also an argument for always using the whole tripel: It guards
against bots on the same IP address (e.g., an MTA and an infected
workstation behind a common NAT, or a reassigned IP address).

_ | Peter J. Holzer | Web 2.0 könnte man also auch Ìbersetzen als
|_|_) | Sysadmin WSR | "Netz der kleinen Geister".
| | | ***@hjp.at |
__/ | http://www.hjp.at/ | -- Oliver Cromm in desd
Murray S. Kucherawy
2011-10-24 08:33:56 UTC
-----Original Message-----
Sent: Thursday, October 20, 2011 12:23 AM
Subject: Re: [Asrg] Greylisting BCP
Yes, but how do you determine that the MTA returned for one
sender/receipient pair? For that you need the whole tripel. Once you
have established that the MTA does queue, the IP address is sufficient
(this wasn't in Harris' original proposal, but it is a common
The current outline will look at various tuples of data identifying the transaction. This might include {IP, sender, recipient}, or any subset of those.
2011-10-21 15:41:04 UTC
Well, I would prefer an alternative explanation, for why all my IRTF (and IETF)
e-mail now shows 'SPF fail' because it has come to my ISP (British Telecom) from,
and ARIN WHOIS lists as an address allocated to Microsoft, which
is not listed as a permitted sender for irtf.org.

Any ideas?

Tom Petch

Received-SPF: fail (mail9-am1: domain of irtf.org does not designate as permitted sender) client-ip=;
helo=DB3PRD0702HT003.eurprd07.prod.outlook.com ;.outlook.com ;
Received: from mail9-am1 (localhost.localdomain []) by mail9-am1
(MessageSwitch) id 1318964619898891_21731; Tue, 18 Oct 2011 19:03:39 +0000
Received: from AM1EHSMHS011.bigfish.com (unknown []) by
mail9-am1.bigfish.com (Postfix) with ESMTP id D38CC1150054 for
<***@btconnect.com>; Tue, 18 Oct 2011 19:03:39 +0000 (UTC)
Received: from DB3PRD0702HT003.eurprd07.prod.outlook.com ( by
AM1EHSMHS011.bigfish.com ( with Microsoft SMTP Server (TLS) id; Tue, 18 Oct 2011 19:03:39 +0000
Received: from mail64-va3-R.bigfish.com ( by
DB3PRD0702HT003.eurprd07.prod.outlook.com ( with Microsoft SMTP
Server (TLS) id; Tue, 18 Oct 2011 19:03:38 +0000
Received: from mail64-va3 (localhost.localdomain []) by
mail64-va3-R.bigfish.com (Postfix) with ESMTP id 209C74B8376 for
<***@btconnect.com>; Tue, 18 Oct 2011 19:03:37 +0000 (UTC)
X-FB-SS: 13,
Received: from mail64-va3 (localhost.localdomain []) by mail64-va3
(MessageSwitch) id 1318964522600467_28976; Tue, 18 Oct 2011 19:02:02 +0000
Received: from VA3EHSMHS029.bigfish.com (unknown []) by
mail64-va3.bigfish.com (Postfix) with ESMTP id 7505A1640051 for
<***@btconnect.com>; Tue, 18 Oct 2011 19:02:02 +0000 (UTC)
Received: from mail.ietf.org ( by VA3EHSMHS029.bigfish.com
( with Microsoft SMTP Server id; Tue, 18 Oct 2011
19:01:55 +0000
Received: from ietfa.amsl.com (localhost []) by ietfa.amsl.com
(Postfix) with ESMTP id 4106021F8B88; Tue, 18 Oct 2011 12:01:36 -0700 (PDT)
DKIM-Signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/simple; d=ietf.org; s=ietf1;
X-Original-To: ***@ietfa.amsl.com
Delivered-To: ***@ietfa.amsl.com
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with ESMTP id A551021F8B74 for <***@ietfa.amsl.com>; Tue, 18 Oct 2011
12:01:35 -0700 (PDT)
X-Virus-Scanned: amavisd-new at amsl.com
X-Spam-Flag: NO
X-Spam-Score: -102.712
X-Spam-Status: No, score=-102.712 tagged_above=-999 required=5
tests=[AWL=-0.114, BAYES_00=-2.599, HTML_MESSAGE=0.001,
Received: from mail.ietf.org ([]) by localhost (ietfa.amsl.com
[]) (amavisd-new, port 10024) with ESMTP id 3XSv6ncXIa5s for
<***@ietfa.amsl.com>; Tue, 18 Oct 2011 12:01:34 -0700 (PDT)
Scott Howard
2011-10-21 17:07:35 UTC
Perhaps because your "ISP" is using Microsoft?

$ dig +short mx btconnect.com
1 btconnect-com.mail.eo.outlook.com.

outlook.com (aka bigfish.com) is, fairly obviously, Microsoft.

Why it's failing SPF is probably something you'll need to take up with BT.

Post by t.petch
Well, I would prefer an alternative explanation, for why all my IRTF (and IETF)
e-mail now shows 'SPF fail' because it has come to my ISP (British Telecom) from,
and ARIN WHOIS lists as an address allocated to Microsoft, which
is not listed as a permitted sender for irtf.org.
Any ideas?
Tom Petch
Received-SPF: fail (mail9-am1: domain of irtf.org does not designate as permitted sender) client-ip=;
helo=DB3PRD0702HT003.eurprd07.prod.outlook.com ;.outlook.com ;
Received: from mail9-am1 (localhost.localdomain []) by mail9-am1
(MessageSwitch) id 1318964619898891_21731; Tue, 18 Oct 2011 19:03:39 +0000
Received: from AM1EHSMHS011.bigfish.com (unknown []) by
mail9-am1.bigfish.com (Postfix) with ESMTP id D38CC1150054 for
Received: from DB3PRD0702HT003.eurprd07.prod.outlook.com ( by
AM1EHSMHS011.bigfish.com ( with Microsoft SMTP Server (TLS) id; Tue, 18 Oct 2011 19:03:39 +0000
Received: from mail64-va3-R.bigfish.com ( by
DB3PRD0702HT003.eurprd07.prod.outlook.com ( with Microsoft SMTP
Server (TLS) id; Tue, 18 Oct 2011 19:03:38 +0000
Received: from mail64-va3 (localhost.localdomain []) by
mail64-va3-R.bigfish.com (Postfix) with ESMTP id 209C74B8376 for
X-FB-SS: 13,
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(MessageSwitch) id 1318964522600467_28976; Tue, 18 Oct 2011 19:02:02 +0000
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mail64-va3.bigfish.com (Postfix) with ESMTP id 7505A1640051 for
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( with Microsoft SMTP Server id; Tue, 18 Oct 2011
19:01:55 +0000
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(Postfix) with ESMTP id 4106021F8B88; Tue, 18 Oct 2011 12:01:36 -0700 (PDT)
DKIM-Signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/simple; d=ietf.org; s=ietf1;
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12:01:35 -0700 (PDT)
X-Virus-Scanned: amavisd-new at amsl.com
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X-Spam-Score: -102.712
X-Spam-Status: No, score=-102.712 tagged_above=-999 required=5
tests=[AWL=-0.114, BAYES_00=-2.599, HTML_MESSAGE=0.001,
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[]) (amavisd-new, port 10024) with ESMTP id 3XSv6ncXIa5s for
Asrg mailing list
Steve Atkins
2011-10-21 17:07:35 UTC
Post by t.petch
Well, I would prefer an alternative explanation, for why all my IRTF (and IETF)
e-mail now shows 'SPF fail' because it has come to my ISP (British Telecom) from,
and ARIN WHOIS lists as an address allocated to Microsoft, which
is not listed as a permitted sender for irtf.org.
BT have outsourced their email handling (for btconnect.com) to Microsoft, and
SPF is being checked at an inappropriate point in the internal handoff.

The bigger issue is that you shouldn't care about SPF failing. An SPF pass
provides somewhat useful data, an SPF fail means absolutely nothing.

David Romerstein
2011-10-21 17:19:26 UTC
Post by Steve Atkins
The bigger issue is that you shouldn't care about SPF failing. An SPF pass
provides somewhat useful data, an SPF fail means absolutely nothing.
That is not ENTIRELY true. Under the proper circumstances, an SPF
failure should indicate that NDRs should not be sent to the purported
'Reply-To' or 'Return-Path' addresses.

But, yes, in an "is this spam or not" sense, SPF fail means nothing.

-- D
Steve Atkins
2011-10-21 17:28:43 UTC
Post by Steve Atkins
The bigger issue is that you shouldn't care about SPF failing. An SPF pass
provides somewhat useful data, an SPF fail means absolutely nothing.
That is not ENTIRELY true. Under the proper circumstances, an SPF failure should indicate that NDRs should not be sent to the purported 'Reply-To' or 'Return-Path' addresses.

But if you remove the negative in that statement you end up with something like "Under the proper circumstances, an SPF pass should indicate that NDRs should be sent to the return-path address". :)

(Neither says what you should do with an SPF neutral response, but that's a whole other can of worms).
But, yes, in an "is this spam or not" sense, SPF fail means nothing.
Yup. An SPF pass (or a DKIM pass) is a positive assertion - it means something solid and well defined. An SPF or DKIM failure can be for any number of unrelated reasons, so it doesn't mean anything in particular.

2011-10-21 19:20:02 UTC
Post by Steve Atkins
But if you remove the negative in that statement you end up with
something like "Under the proper circumstances, an SPF pass should
indicate that NDRs should be sent to the return-path address". :)
Rather, you end up with "Under the proper circumstances, and SPF pass
would indicate that NDRs *may* be sent to the return-path address."

Douglas Otis
2011-10-21 17:47:17 UTC
Post by David Romerstein
Post by Steve Atkins
The bigger issue is that you shouldn't care about SPF failing. An SPF pass
provides somewhat useful data, an SPF fail means absolutely nothing.
That is not ENTIRELY true. Under the proper circumstances, an SPF
failure should indicate that NDRs should not be sent to the purported
'Reply-To' or 'Return-Path' addresses.
But, yes, in an "is this spam or not" sense, SPF fail means nothing.
The same problem may occur when traversing a carrier's LSN. In which
case, dropping NDRs and not accepting messages will negatively impact
email integrity. With a high level of shared MTAs, an SPF pass or fail
should also be considered equally untrustworthy thanks to the efforts by

There is an ongoing effort to combine SPF and DKIM to establish
reputation. DKIM excludes who sent the message and intended recipient.
Will that mean DKIM signatures and SPF authorizations must be by same
domain? Either scheme may induce an inordinately large number of
transactions. Soon only the services of white-listed large providers
will be a way out of this morass.

2011-10-22 10:25:33 UTC
Many thanks to all who responded to my query. I thought I could see what was
happening but did not want to believe it - I would have expected to have heard
something about this (which started over three weeks ago) in the general or
specialist press, or even direct from my ISP - but ....

Tom Petch

----- Original Message -----
From: "Steve Atkins" <***@blighty.com>
To: "Anti-Spam Research Group - IRTF" <***@irtf.org>
Sent: Friday, October 21, 2011 7:07 PM
Subject: Re: [Asrg] Microsoft takes over British Telecom
Post by Steve Atkins
Post by t.petch
Well, I would prefer an alternative explanation, for why all my IRTF (and IETF)
e-mail now shows 'SPF fail' because it has come to my ISP (British Telecom) from,
and ARIN WHOIS lists as an address allocated to Microsoft, which
is not listed as a permitted sender for irtf.org.
BT have outsourced their email handling (for btconnect.com) to Microsoft, and
SPF is being checked at an inappropriate point in the internal handoff.
The bigger issue is that you shouldn't care about SPF failing. An SPF pass
provides somewhat useful data, an SPF fail means absolutely nothing.
Asrg mailing list
Alessandro Vesely
2011-10-23 14:39:11 UTC
Post by Steve Atkins
The bigger issue is that you shouldn't care about SPF failing. An SPF pass
provides somewhat useful data, an SPF fail means absolutely nothing.
Wasn't it supposed to mean "reject"? IIRC, that was the difference
between setting -all (as irtf.org does) rather than ~all or ?all.
Steve Atkins
2011-10-23 16:09:29 UTC
Post by Alessandro Vesely
Post by Steve Atkins
The bigger issue is that you shouldn't care about SPF failing. An SPF pass
provides somewhat useful data, an SPF fail means absolutely nothing.
Wasn't it supposed to mean "reject"? IIRC, that was the difference
between setting -all (as irtf.org does) rather than ~all or ?all.
That's what it's proponents used to claim, yes. But it's unfixably broken for
that purpose. The only reason you don't see serious mail problems for
anyone unwise enough to use -all is that almost nobody pays much attention
to SPF for rejecting email.

Paul Smith
2011-10-23 21:16:53 UTC
Post by Steve Atkins
Post by Alessandro Vesely
Post by Steve Atkins
The bigger issue is that you shouldn't care about SPF failing. An SPF pass
provides somewhat useful data, an SPF fail means absolutely nothing.
Wasn't it supposed to mean "reject"? IIRC, that was the difference
between setting -all (as irtf.org does) rather than ~all or ?all.
That's what it's proponents used to claim, yes. But it's unfixably broken for
that purpose. The only reason you don't see serious mail problems for
anyone unwise enough to use -all is that almost nobody pays much attention
to SPF for rejecting email.
How is it 'unfixably' broken? Just interested.

it seems to me that the only reason it's 'unfixably broken' is that
people are using it without really understanding what it's doing. If all
MTAs rejected all mail that failed SPF checks, then they'd soon get the
problems fixed. Remote users having to relay via a specified submission
server is a trivial problem to fix (AFAICS), and incorrectly specified
SPF records (as in the BT/MS case) deserve to cause messages to be
blocked (IMHO)

(SPF is certainly not that useful as an 'anti-spam' mechanism, but it
seems to have the potential to work reasonably well as an anti-spoofing
mechanism, which makes it considerably harder for many spammers)
Steve Atkins
2011-10-23 21:43:00 UTC
Post by Paul Smith
Post by Steve Atkins
Post by Alessandro Vesely
Post by Steve Atkins
The bigger issue is that you shouldn't care about SPF failing. An SPF pass
provides somewhat useful data, an SPF fail means absolutely nothing.
Wasn't it supposed to mean "reject"? IIRC, that was the difference
between setting -all (as irtf.org does) rather than ~all or ?all.
That's what it's proponents used to claim, yes. But it's unfixably broken for
that purpose. The only reason you don't see serious mail problems for
anyone unwise enough to use -all is that almost nobody pays much attention
to SPF for rejecting email.
How is it 'unfixably' broken? Just interested.
it seems to me that the only reason it's 'unfixably broken' is that people are using it without really understanding what it's doing. If all MTAs rejected all mail that failed SPF checks, then they'd soon get the problems fixed. Remote users having to relay via a specified submission server is a trivial problem to fix (AFAICS), and incorrectly specified SPF records (as in the BT/MS case) deserve to cause messages to be blocked (IMHO)
(SPF is certainly not that useful as an 'anti-spam' mechanism, but it seems to have the potential to work reasonably well as an anti-spoofing mechanism, which makes it considerably harder for many spammers)
Mail forwarding is one common cause of failure. If you're sending mail to someone at @ieee.org and they forward it on to their @aol.com account, and you and AOL decide between you to enforce SPF -all then that mail will be undeliverable - and there's no way either you or AOL can predict that.

Mailing lists is another similar cause of SPF failures..

A third, which is a lot more common and complex to resolve than you'd expect, is organizations simply not knowing or not controlling where their mail is sent from. There've been cases both for SPF and ADSP ("SPF for DKIM") where one group within a company put out a restrictive policy based on their beliefs of where mail was sent from, and it all fell to pieces when employees got kicked off mailing lists when mail appearing to come from them was delivered from the mailing list manager and rejected due to auth failure, or where internal monitoring email sent from servers (cron, even) was silently discarded.

Combine that with SPF being pretty much ineffective for "anti-phishing" (which is what people actually mean when they say "anti-spoofing" or "brand protection") and you end up with it being not very useful as a negative assertion.

It's interesting to compare SPF with DKIM and ADSP. In many ways DKIM+ADSP is the domain-based version of SPF. DKIM is the positive assertion half ("If this mail is DKIM signed / passes SPF then you know that you can trust that the sender is who they claim to be") while ADSP is the negative assertion half ("If this mail is not DKIM signed or fails SPF then you should reject / discard the mail").

The positive assertion is always valuable: it's difficult for "bad" mail - where by "bad" I mean mail that appears to have been sent someone you trust, but it isn't really from them - to "pass" SPF or DKIM. The negative assertion much less so as it's pretty common for "good" mail to fail SPF or ADSP.

(I did some back of the envelope testing of ADSP as an anti-phishing / anti=spoofing measure, and based on my inbox it was worse than flipping a coin for each email, based on both false positives and false negatives).

Paul Smith
2011-10-24 00:19:25 UTC
Post by Steve Atkins
Post by Paul Smith
Post by Steve Atkins
Post by Alessandro Vesely
Post by Steve Atkins
The bigger issue is that you shouldn't care about SPF failing. An SPF pass
provides somewhat useful data, an SPF fail means absolutely nothing.
Wasn't it supposed to mean "reject"? IIRC, that was the difference
between setting -all (as irtf.org does) rather than ~all or ?all.
That's what it's proponents used to claim, yes. But it's unfixably broken for
that purpose. The only reason you don't see serious mail problems for
anyone unwise enough to use -all is that almost nobody pays much attention
to SPF for rejecting email.
How is it 'unfixably' broken? Just interested.
it seems to me that the only reason it's 'unfixably broken' is that people are using it without really understanding what it's doing. If all MTAs rejected all mail that failed SPF checks, then they'd soon get the problems fixed. Remote users having to relay via a specified submission server is a trivial problem to fix (AFAICS), and incorrectly specified SPF records (as in the BT/MS case) deserve to cause messages to be blocked (IMHO)
(SPF is certainly not that useful as an 'anti-spam' mechanism, but it seems to have the potential to work reasonably well as an anti-spoofing mechanism, which makes it considerably harder for many spammers)
I thought most people did return-path rewriting for this case. If you
don't do that, then you get undesirable behaviour anyway - eg if the AOL
mailbox is full, you get a bounce message from AOL, even though you
didn't send any messages to AOL at all.
Post by Steve Atkins
Mailing lists is another similar cause of SPF failures..
Similarly, I thought return-path rewriting was standard for mailing
lists. Especially ones which do VERP, but usually even in ones which
don't - eg the return path on the message I received from you was
"<asrg-***@irtf.org>", not your blighty.com address. Therefore, it
correctly passed an SPF test for irtf.org.
Post by Steve Atkins
A third, which is a lot more common and complex to resolve than you'd expect, is organizations simply not knowing or not controlling where their mail is sent from. There've been cases both for SPF and ADSP ("SPF for DKIM") where one group within a company put out a restrictive policy based on their beliefs of where mail was sent from, and it all fell to pieces when employees got kicked off mailing lists when mail appearing to come from them was delivered from the mailing list manager and rejected due to auth failure, or where internal monitoring email sent from servers (cron, even) was silently discarded.
This is the problem of people who should know better not understanding
what's going on. If the company had a policy that all mail from their
domain had to go through certain servers, and employees were sending
mail through other servers, then they deserved to get kicked off mailing
lists... Just as they would deserve punishment for watching porn over
the work Internet connection, etc. If they had a policy that mail had to
go through certain servers, and configured SPF for different servers,
then they shouldn't be managing mail systems.

If 'SPF' and/or DKIM was standardised and rigourously enforced, then
return-path rewriting would be de rigeuer as would people learning how
to configure the mechanisms properly.

The problem is that for years email was virtually unregulated (open
relays were commonplace 15 years ago) which is why it is now so widely
abused. The only chance of cutting back abuse is to tighten things up.
Saying that attempts to tighten it up are "fatally flawed" just because
people can't be bothered to do things properly is dooming the whole
system to failure.

Extra authentication and authorisation is necessary in email. However
these are done (SPF, DKIM, a 'web of trust', trusted authority, or
whatever) will need more rigourous configuration and management than
there has been in the past. If we can't accept a requirement for more
rigourous configuration and management, we may as well all give up now.

I would say that giving a 5yz error in response to an SPF failure would
be a good thing to do (silently discarding would not be). Accepting an
SPF failed message just means that any bad configuration/behaviour goes
"unpunished" and defeats the whole objective of having the SPF
protection in the first place. In most cases, the sender should prefer
to know that there's a problem with their SPF/DKIM configuration (so
they can fix it), rather than it to be silently ignored all the time.
IME, people set up SPF because they don't want their email addresses to
be spoofed, not just as a fun way to spend half an hour.
Post by Steve Atkins
(I did some back of the envelope testing of ADSP as an anti-phishing / anti=spoofing measure, and based on my inbox it was worse than flipping a coin for each email, based on both false positives and false negatives).
Is that just because it's poorly configured in many places? If so, then
rejecting any failed messages will surely, over time, increase the
effectiveness as people fix their configurations. Accepting them anyway
will just keep the bad configurations in place. (i.e. 'Tough love')

Big mail providers are happy rejecting mail for any and all spurious
reasons, why can't others be willing to reject mail for badly configured
Steve Atkins
2011-10-24 01:37:05 UTC
Post by Steve Atkins
(I did some back of the envelope testing of ADSP as an anti-phishing / anti=spoofing measure, and based on my inbox it was worse than flipping a coin for each email, based on both false positives and false negatives).
Is that just because it's poorly configured in many places? If so, then rejecting any failed messages will surely, over time, increase the effectiveness as people fix their configurations. Accepting them anyway will just keep the bad configurations in place. (i.e. 'Tough love')
That was based on modeled "perfect" ADSP-compliant behaviour by the recipient, and actual observed behaviour by paypal and phishers going after their brands. Paypal are the main folks backing ADSP, so if they can't get it right, nobody can.

The change I saw them make in response to these problems was to have their employees use a domain other than paypal.com for paypal corporate email. That improved the false positives (in much the same way sending your email via Hotmail will prevent false positives based on your domains misconfiguration, which isn't really fixing the problem). It had no effect on the false negatives.
Big mail providers are happy rejecting mail for any and all spurious reasons, why can't others be willing to reject mail for badly configured senders?
That's an entirely different issue - they, like all responsible email providers, want to deliver email their users want.

Alessandro Vesely
2011-10-24 09:40:29 UTC
Post by Paul Smith
Post by Steve Atkins
A third, which is a lot more common and complex to resolve than
you'd expect, is organizations simply not knowing or not
controlling where their mail is sent from.
Forcing users to submit via official domain servers is one of the
points SPF is good at.
Post by Paul Smith
Post by Steve Atkins
There've been cases both for SPF and ADSP ("SPF for DKIM") where
one group within a company put out a restrictive policy based on
their beliefs of where mail was sent from, and it all fell to
pieces when employees got kicked off mailing lists when mail
appearing to come from them was delivered from the mailing list
manager and rejected due to auth failure, or where internal
monitoring email sent from servers (cron, even) was silently
This is the problem of people who should know better not
understanding what's going on.
Yes, if I've understood the OP's complaint correctly, someone should
have removed an SPF check altogether rather than leaving it in a
check-but-don't-enforce hybrid status.
Post by Paul Smith
If the company had a policy that all mail from their domain had to
go through certain servers, and employees were sending mail through
other servers, then they deserved to get kicked off mailing
lists... Just as they would deserve punishment for watching porn
over the work Internet connection, etc.
For the record, you get kicked off a mailing list when you reject
mailing list messages. This can happen when you enforce ADSP and thus
reject messages with broken author domain's signatures. That is, the
duly compliant receiver gets punished in that case.

ADSP is more broken than SPF, with respect to forwarding. SPF always
claimed to be valid for first hops only, and predicated to change the
envelope sender for further hops. DKIM initially seemed to overcome
that limitation, but RFC 6377 finally clarified it cannot cope with
forwarding either (and nobody wants to change the value of From:).
Post by Paul Smith
The problem is that for years email was virtually unregulated (open
relays were commonplace 15 years ago) which is why it is now so widely
abused. The only chance of cutting back abuse is to tighten things up.
Saying that attempts to tighten it up are "fatally flawed" just
because people can't be bothered to do things properly is dooming the
whole system to failure.
Very much agreed.

With two policies out of two that choke on forwarding, I'd suspect the
culprit is the latter. Indeed, forwarding implies that target
addresses are being kept on a server. Hence, such server must have
some sort of authorization for using them. Why don't we check that?

Douglas Otis
2011-10-25 20:41:09 UTC
Post by Alessandro Vesely
Post by Paul Smith
The problem is that for years email was virtually unregulated (open
relays were commonplace 15 years ago) which is why it is now so widely
abused. The only chance of cutting back abuse is to tighten things up.
Saying that attempts to tighten it up are "fatally flawed" just
because people can't be bothered to do things properly is dooming the
whole system to failure.
Very much agreed.
With two policies out of two that choke on forwarding, I'd suspect the
culprit is the latter. Indeed, forwarding implies that target
addresses are being kept on a server. Hence, such server must have
some sort of authorization for using them. Why don't we check that?
Efforts aimed at determining an "IP address authorization" based upon
some "message element" is flawed for two reasons:

1) Authorization is easily abused whenever reputation is applied against
a "purported domain". Outbound IP addresses are commonly shared, and
this is becoming increasingly prevalent. The potential for abuse risks
denial of service and legal responses as a singular recourse.

2) Even if magic happened and all specific "message elements" now
attempt to offer "IP address authorizations", addresses seen by
recipients may change at intervening SMTP proxies, LSNs, or CGNs. This
problem will become more pronounced as IPv6 sources increase and many
MTAs fail to offer IPv6 connectivity.

Any effort to assign reputation to a range of IPv6 addresses immediately
confronts a scale of active prefixes (ignoring lower 64 address bits)
that is 65K larger than all possible IPv4 addresses. This range is
likely to increase another 6 fold in a few years. A rate well beyond
Moore's law.

A sensible solution is a cryptographic method to authenticate the domain
of the outbound MTA. DKIM does not authenticate the outbound MTA, and
remains prone to abuse in a manner similar to IP address authorization.
Perhaps a new type of SMTP needs to be developed, where the protocol
remains unchanged with the exception of MTA authentication
requirements. Call it AMTP for Authenticated Mail Transport Protocol.

Once the MTA can be authenticated, the guesswork and mistakenly
purported domain issues go away. There would not be any need to grey
list recipients once receivers are able to maintain and control who they
permit to issue messages. This may mean new domains need to solicit
intended recipient domains to request inclusion. Such a process
predicated on authentication scales far better and would be less
disruptive than reactive blocking of any "purported" abuse.

It also seems Kerberos offered by various third parties could help
reduce the overhead related to MTA authentications.

Alessandro Vesely
2011-10-26 12:04:56 UTC
Post by Douglas Otis
Post by Alessandro Vesely
With two policies out of two that choke on forwarding, I'd suspect the
culprit is the latter. Indeed, forwarding implies that target
addresses are being kept on a server. Hence, such server must have
some sort of authorization for using them. Why don't we check that?
Efforts aimed at determining an "IP address authorization" based upon
I assume you mean SPF. Flawed as it may be, it'd still be better than
Post by Douglas Otis
A sensible solution is a cryptographic method to authenticate the
domain of the outbound MTA. DKIM does not authenticate the outbound
MTA, and remains prone to abuse in a manner similar to IP address
Post by Douglas Otis
Perhaps a new type of SMTP needs to be developed, where the
protocol remains unchanged with the exception of MTA authentication
requirements. Call it AMTP for Authenticated Mail Transport
Why not call it SMTP-AUTH? Indeed, it's much stronger than SPF or DKIM.
Post by Douglas Otis
Once the MTA can be authenticated, the guesswork and mistakenly
purported domain issues go away. There would not be any need to grey
list recipients once receivers are able to maintain and control who
they permit to issue messages.
Post by Douglas Otis
This may mean new domains need to solicit intended recipient
domains to request inclusion.
No, not only new domains. Whenever someone prompts you for your email
address and your consent for using it, according to various laws, it
could/should store some form of auth token along with it.

That way, I'd address forwarded mail only. That is, more or less,
what policies such as SPF and ADSP seem to be unable to handle
properly --I called it the culprit in the top quoted paragraph above.

Direct personal messages, where recipient addresses are set as part of
the message composition, need no authorization. Of course, black
spammers will pretend to write personal messages, thereby breaking the
law, but grey spammers won't.
Post by Douglas Otis
Such a process predicated on authentication scales far better and
would be less disruptive than reactive blocking of any "purported"
I concur. The ability to mechanically tell legitimate messages will
then allow spam reporting to be a well defined activity.
Douglas Otis
2011-10-28 18:28:29 UTC
Post by Douglas Otis
Post by Alessandro Vesely
With two policies out of two that choke on forwarding, I'd
suspect the culprit is the latter. Indeed, forwarding implies
that target addresses are being kept on a server. Hence, such
server must have some sort of authorization for using them. Why
don't we check that?
Efforts aimed at determining an "IP address authorization" based
I assume you mean SPF. Flawed as it may be, it'd still be better
than nothing.
Not when SPF authorization is considered a basis in which to assess a
domain's reputation. This occurs at a time when large scale NATs (LSNs)
are deployed by ISPs to support IPv6 transitions. The inability to
defend authorizations against reputation poisoning will foster
dependence on providers protected by their "too big to block" status.
The growing environment of shared outbound sources makes simple
authorization fully unsuitable.

In addition, each email transaction demands DNS resolve all IPv4 and
IPv6 hosts used by any globally recognized domain. These DNS
transactions may extend beyond 100 in the effort to authorize all
outbound MTAs used by a single domain. This exercise can lead to DDoS
against domains not a party to either end of the specific email
transaction. SPF macro expansions defeat DNS caching and result in
easily two orders of traffic amplification. :^(

There are many methods that might be used to authenticate outbound MTAs,
such as SMTP Auth. Ideally SMTP would include DANE extensions used in
conjunction with Kerberos. If it were not for DKIM ignoring prepended
headers, it would have merit as an anti-phishing strategy. Since DKIM
does not verify who sent what to whom, it can only identify domains
considered "too big to block" as well.
Post by Douglas Otis
A sensible solution is a cryptographic method to authenticate the
domain of the outbound MTA. DKIM does not authenticate the
outbound MTA, and remains prone to abuse in a manner similar to IP
address authorization.
What do you think is standing in the way of SMTP authentication?
Post by Douglas Otis
Perhaps a new type of SMTP needs to be developed, where the
protocol remains unchanged with the exception of MTA
authentication requirements. Call it AMTP for Authenticated Mail
Transport Protocol.
Why not call it SMTP-AUTH? Indeed, it's much stronger than SPF or
In the past, some of the objections had been cert costs. DANE should
remedy the cost issue, and ensure domains support DNSsec. The increased
overhead related with DNSsec demands greater attention given protocol
dependent upon DNS that might lead to indirect high gain DDoS attacks.
Post by Douglas Otis
Once the MTA can be authenticated, the guesswork and mistakenly
purported domain issues go away. There would not be any need to
grey list recipients once receivers are able to maintain and
control who they permit to issue messages.
Post by Douglas Otis
This may mean new domains need to solicit intended recipient
domains to request inclusion.
No, not only new domains. Whenever someone prompts you for your
email address and your consent for using it, according to various
laws, it could/should store some form of auth token along with it.
That way, I'd address forwarded mail only. That is, more or less,
what policies such as SPF and ADSP seem to be unable to handle
properly --I called it the culprit in the top quoted paragraph above.
Expectations any outbound MTA mitigate abusive accounts where reputation
is based upon authentication of the MTA would have a profound outcome.
Users in possession of compromised accounts/systems would be made aware
and categorization of mail content (as you suggest) becomes moot. Don't
expect recipients are able to sort compromised accounts of large
senders. Placing that burden on recipients never scales.
Direct personal messages, where recipient addresses are set as part
of the message composition, need no authorization. Of course, black
spammers will pretend to write personal messages, thereby breaking
the law, but grey spammers won't.
Or allow new domains to quickly obtain the same status of any domain
that quickly mitigates abuse.
Post by Douglas Otis
Such a process predicated on authentication scales far better and
would be less disruptive than reactive blocking of any "purported"
I concur. The ability to mechanically tell legitimate messages will
then allow spam reporting to be a well defined activity.
Hopefully spam reporting will also play a reduced role as well.

Paul Smith
2011-10-29 01:38:25 UTC
Post by Douglas Otis
There are many methods that might be used to authenticate outbound
MTAs, such as SMTP Auth. Ideally SMTP would include DANE extensions
used in conjunction with Kerberos. If it were not for DKIM ignoring
prepended headers, it would have merit as an anti-phishing strategy.
Since DKIM does not verify who sent what to whom, it can only identify
domains considered "too big to block" as well.
Excuse me for being thick, I'm trying to understand your thoughts.

I can sort of see how you could AUTHENTICATE outbound MTAs, however
that's not the problem as far as I can see. You can reliably
authenticate an outbound MTA based on its IP address at the moment
(although that would probably be less useful than authenticating a
'group' of MTAs based on the owner, eg Yahoo, and will be less useful
with IPv6). Some of the technicalities of authentication based on
cryptographic means are a bit unclear, but I can see that it could
probably be made to work.

However, once you have authenticated the MTA, you then need to decide
whether to authorise it,and what to authorise it for. Are you talking
about just authorising it to be able to send mail from a particular
domain? (If so, I'm not sure how this fixes the 'forwarding problem'),
or authorising it be able to send mail to me at all? (in which case, who
would decide on that authorisation?)

(AFAICS Something like SRS should probably be able to fix the forwarding
problem if the rest of the system is setup correctly)

You say "Ideally SMTP would include DANE extensions used in conjunction
with Kerberos" - now, I'm not very familiar with DANE or Kerberos at the
moment, but I think DANE lets you associate a certificate with a domain
name using DNS - yes?. Since it wouldn't be possible for a sending MTA
to authenticate using such a certificate based on the sender's email
domain, I presume you mean it will use the certificate based on the
MTA's reverse DNS entry? So, how would that link the sending MTA with
the sender's email address?
And would Kerberos need a separate server? If so, where would that be,
the sending or receiving end? (I'm not sure I like the idea of having to
use Kerberos)

If you are just going to authenticate based on the MTA's reverse DNS,
then why not just mandate TLS and authenticate the client certificate
using DANE?

Could you not change SMTP to go something like:
EHLO sender

MAIL FROM: <***@domain.com>
220 OK
RCPT TO: <***@user.com>
220 OK
RCPT TO:<***@user2.com>
220 OK
ENVSIGN: <PKI signature of
220 OK

The sender signs the envelope data using the private key; the public key
is exposed using DNS or something (DANE?) . Kerberus isn't needed, and
the sending MTA can send from multiple different domains in a single

(Still doesn't solve forwarding without return path rewriting, or the
general authorisation problem, but authenticates the sender MTA
effectively, AFAICS)
Paul Smith
2011-10-29 09:16:27 UTC
Post by Paul Smith
Post by Douglas Otis
There are many methods that might be used to authenticate outbound
MTAs, such as SMTP Auth. Ideally SMTP would include DANE extensions
used in conjunction with Kerberos. If it were not for DKIM ignoring
prepended headers, it would have merit as an anti-phishing strategy.
Since DKIM does not verify who sent what to whom, it can only
identify domains considered "too big to block" as well.
(Still doesn't solve forwarding without return path rewriting, or the
general authorisation problem, but authenticates the sender MTA
effectively, AFAICS)
I've been thinking about forwarding

If you have A -> B, then server B forwards to server C, C can't do any
authentication based on A, because A doesn't know about the forwarding
(or it would, presumably, just send to C directly).

So, all sender domain authentication fails (without return path rewriting)

So, what you need is for C to be able to give B an authentication key
for the forwarding. Then, B could pass that back to C with the message
(possibly as a parameter to the RCPT command). The issue with this is
that user intervention would be needed - so every time a user wants to
subscribe to a mailing list,or set up a forwarding to their gmail
account, they would need to go to the destination server, get a key from
it, and give it to the forwarding server. This could show consent for
any anti-spamming legislation, but could also be too complicated for
many users to handle.

The authentication key would need to allow B to send *anything* to C for
the relevant recipient, so ideally the key that C gives would be
specific to B (to allow it to be revoked in the case of abuse)

Technically this wouldn't need to be hard at all, it's just the manual
requirement for key exchange that would be an issue for many people.
Alessandro Vesely
2011-10-30 12:11:26 UTC
Post by Paul Smith
I've been thinking about forwarding
If you have A -> B, then server B forwards to server C, C can't do any
authentication based on A, because A doesn't know about the forwarding
(or it would, presumably, just send to C directly).
Correct. One may still be able to tell whether a message originated
at A, though.
Post by Paul Smith
So, all sender domain authentication fails (without return path rewriting)
That's the turn point. We pine for domain authentication looking
forward to reckoning domain's reputation. So far so good. But a
simpler SMTP-AUTH suffices for authenticating a specific sender that
had been authorized beforehand.
Post by Paul Smith
So, what you need is for C to be able to give B an authentication key
for the forwarding. Then, B could pass that back to C with the message
(possibly as a parameter to the RCPT command).
For SMTP AUTH, it is a parameter to the MAIL command. After having
authenticated, B can use message-specific authorizations by

MAIL FROM:<***@A.example> AUTH=***@B.example

C can check B is authorized, but must trust B uses authorizations
properly; that is, according to the message stream for which the
authorization was granted.
Post by Paul Smith
The issue with this is that user intervention would be needed - so
every time a user wants to subscribe to a mailing list,or set up a
forwarding to their gmail account, they would need to go to the
destination server, get a key from it, and give it to the
forwarding server. This could show consent for any anti-spamming
legislation, but could also be too complicated for many users to
Exactly. If law-makers had been clever, they would have provided for
a protocol to exchange the consent automatically. Something similar
to paying with a credit card via a bank site. Users would need to
tell only their domain name to the mailing list manager, or gmail
account. The wannabe forwarder B would redirect them to their server
C where they can authenticate, configure any detail such as the target
folder, and grant their consent back to B.
Post by Paul Smith
The authentication key would need to allow B to send *anything* to C
for the relevant recipient, so ideally the key that C gives would be
specific to B (to allow it to be revoked in the case of abuse)
Yes. For non-transferable consent, the user's server C can pass an
opaque local-part to the wannabe forwarder B. That way, B won't even
know the full email address of the user.
Post by Paul Smith
Technically this wouldn't need to be hard at all, it's just the manual
requirement for key exchange that would be an issue for many people.
It is easy technically, but not politically. In Europe, a
consent-exchange protocol would get some traction if it could replace
the tedious paperwork that Directive 95/46/EC requires. For that,
we'd need the Art.29 Working Party to participate in an IETF Working
Group so as to standardize and bless that protocol at the same time.
Not an easy task.
Murray S. Kucherawy
2011-11-13 05:51:06 UTC
-----Original Message-----
Sent: Saturday, October 29, 2011 2:16 AM
To: Anti-Spam Research Group - IRTF
Subject: Re: [Asrg] Microsoft takes over British Telecom
I've been thinking about forwarding
If you have A -> B, then server B forwards to server C, C can't do any
authentication based on A, because A doesn't know about the forwarding
(or it would, presumably, just send to C directly).
So, all sender domain authentication fails (without return path rewriting)
There's an alternative proposal under development. The idea is that B evaluates the message from A (be that with SPF or DKIM, or something else), and then applies an Authentication-Results (RFC5451) field with its findings. When it relays toward C, it DKIM-signs the augmented message first. When C gets it, it verifies B's signature, and then it can use the contents of the Authentication-Results field that B added to determine whether use of A's domain was authorized, even if A's signature no longer validates (and presumable A's SPF policy is guaranteed to fail at this point). There must, of course, be an out-of-band arrangement that C trusts what B claims already in place for this to work.

That's the theory. The specific mechanics and abuse defenses are still evolving. The term "transitive trust" is being batted around as a label for the concept. It's actually in production at a couple of large mailbox providers already.

I've spoken to people at IETF about the DANE idea, and it's universally considered a dead end, mostly because it simply doesn't scale and is ineffective against infected machines that otherwise can get authorization in the first place. DANE is really designed to authorize use of domain names with respect to web pages, I believe, and not to authenticate clients.

Alessandro Vesely
2011-11-14 10:22:10 UTC
Post by Murray S. Kucherawy
From: irtf.org On Behalf Of Paul Smith
If you have A -> B, then server B forwards to server C, C can't do any
authentication based on A, because A doesn't know about the forwarding
(or it would, presumably, just send to C directly).
There's an alternative proposal under development.
Is participation open?
Post by Murray S. Kucherawy
B [...] applies an Authentication-Results (RFC5451) field. When it
relays toward C, it DKIM-signs the augmented message first. When C
gets it, it can use the contents of the Authentication-Results field
that B added [...] There must, of course, be an out-of-band
arrangement that C trusts what B claims already in place for this
to work.
The out-of-band arrangement should be standardized so as to require
the final recipient's as the sole human intervention. Does this suit
that idea? http://fixforwarding.org/wiki/forwarding_agreement
Post by Murray S. Kucherawy
That's the theory. The specific mechanics and abuse defenses are
still evolving. The term "transitive trust" is being batted around
as a label for the concept. It's actually in production at a
couple of large mailbox providers already.
A couple? I thought transitivity implied at least three :-/

Douglas Otis
2011-10-31 18:28:35 UTC
Post by Paul Smith
Post by Douglas Otis
There are many methods that might be used to authenticate outbound
MTAs, such as SMTP Auth. Ideally SMTP would include DANE
extensions used in conjunction with Kerberos. If it were not for
DKIM ignoring prepended headers, it would have merit as an
anti-phishing strategy. Since DKIM does not verify who sent what
to whom, it can only identify domains considered "too big to block"
as well.
Excuse me for being thick, I'm trying to understand your thoughts.
I can sort of see how you could AUTHENTICATE outbound MTAs, however
that's not the problem as far as I can see. You can reliably
authenticate an outbound MTA based on its IP address at the moment
(although that would probably be less useful than authenticating a
'group' of MTAs based on the owner, eg Yahoo, and will be less useful
with IPv6). Some of the technicalities of authentication based on
cryptographic means are a bit unclear, but I can see that it could
probably be made to work.
However, once you have authenticated the MTA, you then need to decide
whether to authorise it,and what to authorise it for. Are you talking
about just authorising it to be able to send mail from a particular
domain? (If so, I'm not sure how this fixes the 'forwarding
problem'), or authorising it be able to send mail to me at all? (in
which case, who would decide on that authorisation?)
David Black and myself authored a draft describing a method to authorize
any number of domains using a single small DNS transaction. Murray also
authored a similar version once this draft expired. Attempting to
publish entire IP address sets for email domains is highly problematic,
especially when misapplied as a basis for assessing accountability.

Use of IP address authorization based upon entire address sets will
become highly disruptive from either a DDoS or rejection basis. IP
address translations occurring at providers that can not be anticipated
by senders. Any expectation that possible LSNs will be white-listed
would permit any amount of abuse.
Post by Paul Smith
(AFAICS Something like SRS should probably be able to fix the
forwarding problem if the rest of the system is setup correctly)
Rather than expecting recipients to sort emails based upon message
elements not authenticated with those who issued a message to specific
recipients (which DKIM does not do), a more effective scheme holds
outbound MTAs accountable for mitigating abuse. MTAs failing to respond
would be blocked. Requiring outbound MTA to respond better informs
individuals when accounts or systems are compromised and is the most
effective method for controlling abuse.
Post by Paul Smith
You say "Ideally SMTP would include DANE extensions used in
conjunction with Kerberos" - now, I'm not very familiar with DANE or
Kerberos at the moment, but I think DANE lets you associate a
certificate with a domain name using DNS - yes?. Since it wouldn't be
possible for a sending MTA to authenticate using such a certificate
based on the sender's email domain, I presume you mean it will use
the certificate based on the MTA's reverse DNS entry? So, how would
that link the sending MTA with the sender's email address?
Some delivery issues occur when recipients are unaware their servers
lack adequate resources where connections fail and yet these failure are
not logged. Doing any type of cryptographic authentication adds
overhead, where a hybrid Kerberos/SMTP approach provides an efficient
method with increased control. Those wanting to obtain fast processing
would first authenticate with a designated Kerberos server located by
SRV records. Once authenticated, a data-structure (perhaps published
using APL RFC2133) could be accepted to open firewalls at the receivers,
where individual SMTP transactions first exchange long-lived easy to
process Kerberos tickets.
Post by Paul Smith
And would Kerberos need a separate server? If so, where would that
be, the sending or receiving end? (I'm not sure I like the idea of
having to use Kerberos)
If you own a Mac, Apple provides users Kerberos services to enhance
security on otherwise insecure networks. Any large domain could offer
their own Kerberos server where senders would obtain a ticket once every
10 hours for example. It is also likely Kerberos services will be
offered by various third-parties as well.
Post by Paul Smith
If you are just going to authenticate based on the MTA's reverse DNS,
then why not just mandate TLS and authenticate the client certificate
using DANE?
rDNS is highly problematic because this involves separate
administrations. Those running a service are not necessarily delegated
to publish rDNS records. With the IP address ranges permitted by IPv6,
rDNS is also unlikely to be useful for differentiating different
categories of IP addresses. It is not practical to expect SMTP to query
rDNS against every IPv6 connection. It is also not practical to expect
a third-party will be publishing this information either.
Post by Paul Smith
Could you not change SMTP to go something like: EHLO sender 220
The sender signs the envelope data using the private key; the public
key is exposed using DNS or something (DANE?) . Kerberus isn't
needed, and the sending MTA can send from multiple different domains
in a single session.
Kerberos was suggested as a way to avoid much of the overhead related
with processing certificates at each exchange. It also provides a way
to offer layered protections, such as selectively enabling firewall
subsequent to completion of a Kerberos exchange. Kerberos exchanges
would be at much much lower rates than that demanded by SMTP.
Post by Paul Smith
(Still doesn't solve forwarding without return path rewriting, or the
general authorisation problem, but authenticates the sender MTA
effectively, AFAICS)
IMHO, the IP address authorization scheme was poorly considered. With
more than 95% of SMTP transactions being abusive, expecting recipients
to then perform as many as 100 additional SPF DNS transactions and any
number of reputation transactions per message is neither practical nor
safe. In the face of IPv6, any IP address authorization requirement
will also be highly disruptive.

There is a practical way for each domain to authorize other domains.
Whether this would be needed after outbound MTAs have been held
accountable is yet to be determined.

John Leslie
2011-10-31 18:46:16 UTC
Post by Douglas Otis
David Black and myself authored a draft describing a method to
authorize any number of domains using a single small DNS transaction.
Reference, please: I don't think I'm familiar with this.
Post by Douglas Otis
Murray also authored a similar version once this draft expired.
Post by Douglas Otis
Attempting to publish entire IP address sets for email domains is
highly problematic, especially when misapplied as a basis for
assessing accountability.
I quite agree.

John Leslie <***@jlc.net>
Douglas Otis
2011-10-31 20:26:37 UTC
Post by John Leslie
Post by Douglas Otis
David Black and myself authored a draft describing a method to
authorize any number of domains using a single small DNS transaction.
Reference, please: I don't think I'm familiar with this.
Post by John Leslie
Post by Douglas Otis
Murray also authored a similar version once this draft expired.

The difference is tpa-label attempted to include methods to identify
outbound MTAs, and was not limited to just authorized DKIM signature chains.

Paul Smith
2011-10-31 22:06:31 UTC
Post by Douglas Otis
Kerberos was suggested as a way to avoid much of the overhead related
with processing certificates at each exchange. It also provides a
way to offer layered protections, such as selectively enabling
firewall subsequent to completion of a Kerberos exchange. Kerberos
exchanges would be at much much lower rates than that demanded by SMTP.
I'm struggling with the Kerberos idea

If you want to send a message to me, that means you need to authenticate
with 'my' kerberos server? What authentication details do you use? Do I
have to contact you to give you authentication details to my server?
Surely that can't be the case, but how else would the authentication
work? (or would the sender authenticate *with itself* via the
receiver? I can see that working in theory, but would be complicated and
I can't see how it would work with a standard kerberos implementation)

Given that most of our customers are business with < 25 users, many of
whom have their MX records pointing to their own MTA, how would this
work? Most want to use their own MTA because their ISPs are useless, and
switching to their own MTA gives them enhanced reliability and control.

I can't see them rushing to sign up to a third party kerberos server
(probably with extra fees and unknown reliability). Does this mean we'll
be needing to create our own kerberos server to run alongside our mail
server software? Most of our customers use Windows desktop OSes (eg
Windows XP, Windows 7 etc), which, AFAIAA don't give you kerberos services.

Using kerberos only makes sense if everyone who has a legitimate mail
server has kerberos, which obviously isn't the case.
Post by Douglas Otis
Kerberos was suggested as a way to avoid much of the overhead related
with processing certificates at each exchange.
Does this mean that STARTTLS is undesirable as well?

Is the calculation of a signature that problematic? It's relatively CPU
intensive, but low bandwidth. I'd have thought most mail systems would
be I/O bound rather than CPU bound (unless they're doing
antispam/antivirus, in which case a calculating/checking a signature is
a relatively miniscule extra load). DKIM already generates/checks
signatures, and with much more data & complexity.
Bill Cole
2011-11-01 06:41:18 UTC
Post by Steve Atkins
Post by Paul Smith
Post by Steve Atkins
Post by Steve Atkins
The bigger issue is that you shouldn't care about SPF failing. An SPF pass
provides somewhat useful data, an SPF fail means absolutely nothing.
Wasn't it supposed to mean "reject"? IIRC, that was the difference
between setting -all (as irtf.org does) rather than ~all or ?all.
That's what it's proponents used to claim, yes. But it's unfixably broken for
that purpose. The only reason you don't see serious mail problems for
anyone unwise enough to use -all is that almost nobody pays much attention
to SPF for rejecting email.
How is it 'unfixably' broken? Just interested.
it seems to me that the only reason it's 'unfixably broken' is that
people are using it without really understanding what it's doing. If all
MTAs rejected all mail that failed SPF checks, then they'd soon get the
problems fixed. Remote users having to relay via a specified submission
server is a trivial problem to fix (AFAICS), and incorrectly specified
SPF records (as in the BT/MS case) deserve to cause messages to be
blocked (IMHO)
(SPF is certainly not that useful as an 'anti-spam' mechanism, but it
seems to have the potential to work reasonably well as an anti-spoofing
mechanism, which makes it considerably harder for many spammers)
Mail forwarding is one common cause of failure. If you're sending mail to
you and AOL decide between you to enforce SPF -all then that mail will be
undeliverable - and there's no way either you or AOL can predict that.
I thought most people did return-path rewriting for this case. If you don't
do that, then you get undesirable behaviour anyway - eg if the AOL mailbox
is full, you get a bounce message from AOL, even though you didn't send any
messages to AOL at all.
Yes, that happens. No, return-path rewriting is the exception, not the rule.
People still use Sendmail aliases and ~/.forward mechanisms and functional
work-alikes in other MTA's and it breaks the utility of explicitly
derogatory SPF, both "-" and "~"

However, as often as the classical forwarding model is brought up as an
example of SPF breakage, it really isn't the critical failure mode for
simplistic SPF usage, since classical forwarding is mostly a tool of people
who remember the days before the Eternal September. We're an influential
bunch, yes, but there are not enough of us to break something that would
otherwise work.
Post by Steve Atkins
Mailing lists is another similar cause of SPF failures..
Similarly, I thought return-path rewriting was standard for mailing lists.
Especially ones which do VERP, but usually even in ones which don't - eg the
return path on the message I received from you was
correctly passed an SPF test for irtf.org.
Yes, any mailing lists using reasonable list management tools rewrite
messages with their own return-path and cause no trouble for SPF. There are
some things called mailing lists that use 'exploder' features of various
MTA's which don't use their own return-paths or any distinct software, but
those sorts of lists were basically dysfunctional before spam was a
significant problem. Like classical forwarding, that is also not the hardest
obstacle for clean and simple use of derogatory SPF results.
Post by Steve Atkins
A third, which is a lot more common and complex to resolve than you'd
expect, is organizations simply not knowing or not controlling where their
mail is sent from. There've been cases both for SPF and ADSP ("SPF for
DKIM") where one group within a company put out a restrictive policy based
on their beliefs of where mail was sent from, and it all fell to pieces
when employees got kicked off mailing lists when mail appearing to come
from them was delivered from the mailing list manager and rejected due to
auth failure, or where internal monitoring email sent from servers (cron,
even) was silently discarded.
This is the problem of people who should know better not understanding
what's going on.
Yes. That is why this problem is the truly hard one for application of SPF
in derogatory ways.

Deprecating technical mechanisms via "standards" (to whatever degree a
low-grade RFC can be called that) and real-world bad outcomes has a
successful track record of working to extinguish their use or encourage

Deprecating human carelessness and ignorance has no successful track record.


In other words: THIS DOES NOT WORK!
If the company had a policy that all mail from their domain
had to go through certain servers, and employees were sending mail through
other servers, then they deserved to get kicked off mailing lists... Just as
they would deserve punishment for watching porn over the work Internet
connection, etc. If they had a policy that mail had to go through certain
servers, and configured SPF for different servers, then they shouldn't be
managing mail systems.
That's nice. The fact is that sysadmins follow Sturgeon's Law just like any
other large population. I'm very sorry about that. I really am.

Beyond that sad fact of life, there are other issues with "-all" (and even
"~all") grounded in forms of dumb that are external to the administrators of
any domain setting SPF records. For example, diverse online service
providers including resume search systems, news clipping agencies, magazine
publishers, and so on (and on and on) will send email on behalf of
registered users with any envelope sender address that they have for the
user. Whether it is a "mail a friend this article" link at the NYT or a
"find me candidates for this job" form at a headhunter agency, there are a
lot of ways that random 3rd parties can end up sending mail claiming to be
from a user of a domain whose SPF maintainers cannot predict them. I don't
like that, I think it is wrong and bad. However, it is my direct experience
that fighting that practice is a consistently losing battle because the
practice rarely fails, is easily accommodated, and is attractive to those
who engage in it because it lets them completely abdicate responsibility for
the mail they generate and send.

(I apologize for the overly complex sentences... )
If 'SPF' and/or DKIM was standardised and rigourously enforced, then
return-path rewriting would be de rigeuer as would people learning how to
configure the mechanisms properly.
This would require universal deployment of people designing and running mail
systems who are almost entirely not stupid, evil, irresponsible, lazy, or
even overworked.

Good luck with that. If you figure out how to find clueful people in a
reliable way, you can rule the world.

In the real world, the result is not (as some have claimed here) that SPF is
completely useless. It's just not a tool you can use without paying
attention to its many failure modes and particularly the ones where
ignorance and hubris are likely to cause trouble. The canonical example is
to counter phishing, where the sender domain is not used by random human
users and legitimate sources are actually known. The next most commonly
cited example is to recognize SPF records that consist of "-all" as the only
element, stating that there is no such thing as legitimate mail from the
domain. Stranger uses can be based on the recognition that there are
spammers who know about SPF and about simple spam filtering techniques;
being "too good" while being "very new" is a sign that a sender is a
spammer, and an affirmative SPF result can be a "tell." (yes, I have SA
meta-rules, no, I'm not sharing) If there is a general rule, it is that
SPF's uses require a sender domain (good or bad) whose admins understand SPF

The bottom line is that SPF is actually useful as a small part of a spam
control system, but not in the simplistic way that it was designed to be
used or in ways that are practical for the giant providers of cheap/free
mailboxes. If you want to use SPF to control spam, then you need to have
someone skilled watching your mail stream. If you want to hand out cheap
mailboxes to anyone who wanders by, you will not find SPF to be useful.
Peter J. Holzer
2011-10-29 14:10:43 UTC
Post by Steve Atkins
Mail forwarding is one common cause of failure. If you're sending mail
account, and you and AOL decide between you to enforce SPF -all then
that mail will be undeliverable - and there's no way either you or AOL
can predict that.
Actually, I can because I told ieee.org to forward my mail to aol.com
and I know that I enabled SPF for my aol.com address. There is nothing
unpredictable about that - I control both sides of the forwarding.

What AOL has to predict is that some of their customers may want to
forward from another mail address to their AOL mailbox and provide a way
to exempt specific sender IP addresses from SPF checks.

_ | Peter J. Holzer | Web 2.0 könnte man also auch übersetzen als
|_|_) | Sysadmin WSR | "Netz der kleinen Geister".
| | | ***@hjp.at |
__/ | http://www.hjp.at/ | -- Oliver Cromm in desd
Murray S. Kucherawy
2011-10-24 14:34:10 UTC
Thanks to all for the feedback so far. I've updated the draft to fold in the points people raised. I'll start the work of actually adding text to the various sections after the next IETF meeting.

If any of you have specific text you'd like to see in there, please do send it along.

From: asrg-***@irtf.org [mailto:asrg-***@irtf.org] On Behalf Of Murray S. Kucherawy
Sent: Tuesday, October 18, 2011 12:01 PM
To: ***@irtf.org
Subject: [Asrg] Greylisting BCP

After some chatter inside MAAWG and on the ietf-smtp mailing list, I've started an outline for a BCP on the practice of greylisting. The main purpose is to explain what it is, discuss the pros and cons of its variants, and give some recommendations for implementation and configuration for a few example installations and policies.

The draft (which is currently only an outline) is here: https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-kucherawy-greylisting-bcp/

Comments welcome.
